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What is important in resuscitation?

If someone has a circulatory arrest, immediate resuscitation is very important. It can be life-saving, for example after a heart attack.

In an emergency in a hospital or doctor’s office, doctors and medical staff can quickly take special measures. Everywhere else, however, immediate first aid by medical laypersons is essential.


In an emergency, the most important thing is to stay calm and adhere to the following regimen:

  • Check if the person is unconscious and not breathing normally.
  • Call the emergency number 112.
  • Start with chest compressions.

If you follow these three steps quickly, you will do everything right. Above all, it is important to start resuscitation immediately! Do not hesitate to do something wrong out of fear.

Good to know: As an untrained layperson, you do not have to ventilate the unconscious person.

If an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available and another person is present, you can supplement resuscitation with this device. However, make sure that you only interrupt chest compressions when the device prompts you to do so.

How do you check if someone is unconscious?

Speak to the person loudly and clearly (for example, „Hello! Can you hear me?“) and gently but firmly shake their shoulder. If the person does not respond, you can assume that he or she is unconscious.

How can you tell if someone is no longer breathing normally?

Drehen Sie die bewusstlose Person auf den Rücken. Fassen Sie ihr unter das Kinn und legen Sie ihr den Kopf in den Nacken, damit die Atemwege frei sind. Sie erkennen einen Atemstillstand daran, dass sich der Brustkorb nicht mehr bewegt und Sie weder ein Atemgeräusch hören noch einen Lufthauch spüren, wenn Sie Ihr Ohr nah über Mund und Nase der bewusstlosen Person halten.

In den ersten Minuten nach einem Kreislaufstillstand kann es sein, dass die betroffene Person noch atmet – ihre Atemzüge sind dann jedoch nicht normal, sondern

  • irregularly,
  • particularly slow,
  • particularly deep or
  • associated with a snoring-like sound.

Do not under any circumstances wait until breathing stops completely. If after ten seconds you still have doubts as to whether the unconscious person is breathing normally, you should make the emergency call and start resuscitation.

What should be considered when making an emergency call?

If there are other people present besides you, speak to someone directly and ask him or her to take over the emergency call. Then you can start resuscitation immediately.

If you are alone, call 112 yourself. This emergency number is available throughout Europe, is free of charge and can also be used in many countries outside Europe.

The employee at the emergency call center will ask you the following five „W questions“. Answer all the questions calmly and accurately:

  • Where did it happen?

Specify the location as accurately as possible (for example, address, floor, street mileage).

  • Who is calling?

Include your name, location, and phone number for possible questions.

  • What happened?

Describe concisely what they see that happened (for example, traffic accident, fire, unconscious person).

  • How many people are involved?

If possible, indicate the number of people involved and their injuries. For children, also the age if possible.

  • Waiting for further inquiries!

Legen Sie nicht sofort auf. Ihr Gegenüber in der Leitstelle benötigt vielleicht noch mehr Informationen.

Wenn möglich, schalten Sie den Lautsprecher ihres Telefons ein („Freisprechen“) und bleiben mit der Notrufzentrale in Verbindung. So kann das Personal der Notrufzentrale Sie telefonisch bei der Wiederbelebung unterstützen.

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